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AudioThe Catholic Medical Association has produced radio ads regarding the physical and mentally damaging effects of abortion, in order to spread awareness about the issue of abortion today. You can listen to these ads below: 3. Depression, Anxiety, Substance Abuse, & Suicidal Effects
Prayer of the Catholic PhysicianLord Jesus, Divine Physician, who in your earthly life showed special concern for those
who suffer and entrusted to your disciples the ministry of healing, make us ever
ready to alleviate the trials of our brethren. Make each one of us, aware of the
great mission that is entrusted to him, strive always to be, in the performance
of daily service, an instrument of your merciful love. Enlighten our minds,
guide our hands, make our hearts diligent and compassionate. Ensure that in
every patient we know how to discern the features of your divine Face. You who are the Truth, provide us with the gift of wisdom and science in order to penetrate the mystery of the human person and their transcendent destiny as we draw near to them in order to discover the causes of their maladies and find suitable remedies. You who are the Life, provide us with the gift of preaching and bearing witness to the 'Gospel of life' in our profession, committing ourselves to defending it always, from conception to its natural end, and to respect the dignity of every human being, and especially the dignity of the weakest and the most in need. Make us O Lord, Good Samaritans, ready to welcome, treat, and console those we encounter in our work. Following the example of the holy medical doctors who have preceded us, help us to offer our generous contribution to the constant renewal of health care structures. Bless our studies and our profession, enlighten our research and our teaching. Lastly, grant to us, having constantly loved and served You in our suffering brethren, that at the end of our earthly pilgrimage we may contemplate your glorious countenance and experience the joy of the encounter with You in your Kingdom of joy and everlasting peace. Amen. The Vatican, 29 June 2000 John Paul II
Prayer for Those with Profound DisabilitiesLord Jesus Christ, You know the pain of brokenness. You took our weaknesses upon your shoulders and bore it to the wood of the cross. Hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters whose bodies fail them and whose minds are crippled by the ravages of disease. Implant a love for them deep within our hearts, that we, disfigured and disabled by our sin, may treasure and nurture the gifts of their lives. May we find You in their weakness, and console You in our care for them. For You are Lord, forever and ever. Amen
Prayer for Those Close to DeathLord Jesus Christ, As You stood by the bed of good Saint Joseph and gently led him home to heaven, so shepherd every soul about to die to a paradise of perfect peace. Let the tears we shed upon their passing stand witness to our love for them and the depth or our thanksgiving for the gift of their lives and the grace of a good death. For You are Lord, forever and ever. Amen
A Catholic Hippocratic Oath
As a Physician, I solemnly promise:
In order to achieve these goals, as a Catholic Doctor I also promise: